Tuesday, October 27, 2009


We had a fun family home evening with some good friends of ours last week. My kids pumpkins came out of our garden this year. They were still a little green, but they were fun to carve anyway.

Even my little Oakleigh got her hands in there cleaning out the pumpkin.
Sorry about some of my pictures, they turned out blurry. Not sure why. :(

Ya, my kids are weird!! But what do you expect when their buddy isn't a very good example?!! Nice Brandon.....look what you are teaching my kids!!!!!! :)

Oakleigh had a little help from her daddy with her pumpkin. But it sure turnded out cute!!

Oh, and we had dinner before we carved pumpkins. I didn't take any pictures, but it was the funnest thing. J'lene did dinner in a pumpkin. She just took the pumpkin and cut the top off and cleaned the inside as if you were going to carve it. Then they put it in the oven and cooked it for a while, then they made a soup and put it in the pumpkin and cooked for another hour. When you can poke a fork through the pumpkin it is done. Pull it out and serve the soup out of the pumpkin. And you can eat the inside of the pumpkin too, tastes just like squash. It was SOOOOOO YUMMY!!! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


YES, it is time for an update!! We have been SUPER busy the last couple of months. I am not going to blog about everything, but there are a few things that we have done are ARE blog worthy. First, my G-MA turned 90, yes 90, on the 11th of September!! My mom and I and my sisters put together a Surprise Party for her. And she was SURPRISED!!!!

I have so many fun memories with my grandma from when I was little till now. It is so fun to sit and talk about all of the fun things that we did with her. She will sit and laugh with us forever!! One of my favorite memories with grandma was one year we got together for Thanksgiving at my Aunts house. After dinner a bunch of us sat down to play Chicken Foot. For those of you who don't know, Chicken Foot is with dominos. You add on your dominos by the number and it starts looking like chicken feet. When you are down to one domino, you are supposed to yell chicken foot. Well.......G-Ma, she had one domino left and she got so excited that instead of yelling Chicken Foot, she yelled "Chicken Sh$*!!" Yes, she had us rolling and laughing!!!!

When Madi was born, I decided instead of calling her "Great Grandma", I wanted Madi to call her "Grandma the Great"!! And it stuck. That is what we call her. Well, that is what my kids and call her. I have given her the nick name "G-MA"!!

I am SOOOOO greatful for my grandma and the wonderful example she has been to me and my family. I do not know what I would do with out her. She is so happy and so healthy. I hope that we get to celebrate many more birthday's with her!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY G-MA!! WE LOVE YOU!! :)