Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This is one of the things that the grandkids LOVE to do at Nana and Grandpa's house. Sunday was no different. The dishes get cleaned up from Sunday dinner and out comes the play dough.

This time though, Grandma the Great decided she was going to join the fun.

It's amazing how long this stuff will keep my kids entertained. I am trying to figure out why I still have not gone and bought some for my house!! ;)


Brandon,J'lene, Kamiah,Braelyn, Chelsea, Aussie said...

Fun Fun Now I know what to break out when we want her to play so we can play. We love playdough at our house. The girls just got a fun octupus play dough thingy for Christmas!! I love it but not the mess it makes!!

Nalder family said...

Cute pics!! that is awesome grandma joined in the fun

Camille said...

Cute pictures. Very fun. Playdough rules & for some reason I really really like the smell of it. I know, weird.
So random thought for you- Our little 2 year olds that are just days apart have IDENTICAL hair.
Have you solved how to keep it from a frizzy, matted mess? I figure you have always dealt w/curly hair and yours always looks good. I have no clue what to do with it for Stella!
Hmm...I will post a pic. on my family blog sometime this week and will you please be a dear and give me some tips?