Thursday, September 22, 2011

1st DAY OF SCHOOL............

The kids have now been in school for almost a month. I was so ready for school to start again. I love the summer, don't get me wrong, but these two being home by them selves with each other all day every day...............I'm surprised they are both still breathing and that my house is stil standing!! Ha ha!!

I can't believe how fast they are growing. Wyatt turned 8 in July, was baptized, and started 3rd grade. He is a boy of many interests!! He loves to be outside working with the cows and horses with Dad and Grandpa. He loves playing football and basketball. He loves hunting and fishing. He is definitely ALL BOY!!

Madi turned 12 in May, went into Young Womens, and is now in 7th grade. She is definitely NOT a little girl anymore!! This year she decided to take a break from dance and is doing cheer and gymnastics instead. She absolutely LOVES it!! She is also playing the violin, which she is AMAZING at!! Right now she is just in Orchestra at school, but I hope to get her into private lessons soon.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


My little boy turned the BIG 8 and was baptized the end of July. He is now is Scouts and LOVE LOVE LOVES it!! He is such an outdoors kid!! He has and awesome scout leader and gets so excited to go!! His baptism turned out GREAT!! He had so many family and friends there to support him. It was definitely a very special day for him!!

He is growing so fast. He is such a good kid and a hard worker. He loves to be out with dad and grandpa helping with the cows and horses or fixing fence. We are so proud of him and the choice that he made to be baptized.