Monday, May 12, 2008


After the girl's danced Saturday we got to spend the rest of the day playing and riding the rides. We had so much fun and the weather turned out to be pretty nice.

There were a couple of rides that Wyatt just loved and had to ride over and over. And then there were some he didn't love so much, like Rattle Snake Rapids. I think that he enjoyed it until they started going under the water falls and he got wet.


palmerfamily said...

so fun! I wish we could go back and do it all over again!

Kristin and Jay said...

How fun! Remember the last time we went to lagoon or at least tried =) hah! Nothing like a neck brace to wear home to make a fun trip =). Look how cute you are. I have no idea what you are talking about in my weight loss posts, you do not need to lose any weight! You look great!