Friday, August 20, 2010


This handsome guy turned 7 on July 28th. (Yes, I know, that was almost a month ago!!) He wanted to have his birthday at Leo's Place.
The kids had a lot of fun playing in the playland and of course the arcade room.

He got some fun new stuff. He got new cowboy boots and a shirt from Nanna and Grandpa!! This kid would wear cowboy clothes everyday if I would let him!! Even during the summer when it's a 100 degrees outside!!
He got a new foot ball, snorkeling gear, money and a puppy!!!
I can't beleive how fast they grow. It seems like just yesterday he was just a baby. He loves being outside helping Grandpa with the cows and horses and is starting to get involved in sports. This year we are trying flag football!!! So far, he is loving it!!!

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