Oakleigh LOVE LOVE LOVES the trampoline. She would jump on it for hours if I let her. She is a little stinker though, cuz she doesn't want to share it. She wants to jump by herself.
Home grown pumpkin!!

Home grown pumpkin!!

The kids making some Halloween cookies!! I think the frosting was their favorite part!!

Mom and G-Ma enjoying their cookies!! Oh, and don't forget that Coke!! :)

We took the kids to a couple of different Halloween parties. We went to the one at Wyatt's school and then the one in Rexburg at the Nursing home. I love going to the nursing home. The residents all sit outside their rooms and
the kids go up and down the halls trick or treating. The kids love it cuz they get a ton of candy. But I love to see the smiles on the faces of the residents when the kids come up to them. PRICELESS!!

This year Madi was a "Drama Queen". For those of you who know Madi, know that this was PERFECT for her!!

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