Tuesday, September 2, 2008


My kids actually went back to school a couple of weeks ago. But things have been so crazy this past couple of weeks that I am just now getting around to posting this. Madi is in 4th grade this year and is loving it. She loves her teacher and loves that she only has about 20 minutes of homework at night. Which for us is a huge change from the last couple of years. In the past she has had atleast an hour of homework and then an additional 20 minutes of reading.

Wyatt started Kindergarten this year. That was really hard for me. I remember when Madi started Kindergarten and Wyatt was only as big as Oakleigh. I don't care how many kids you have put through school, everytime you have to take a new one to Kindergarten for the first time, it is not easy. It is such and emotional thing for me. Does anyone else have this problem? But he LOVE, LOVE, LOVES it!! His teacher is Mrs Anderson at Harwood Elementary. He thinks that is so great because her and her husband work the same shift at the temple as my parents and Bryan's parents. So he thinks it's cool that Mrs. Anderson knows his grandparents!

Our summer is officially over. Madi is back into dance and I have started teaching piano lessons again after taking the summer off. But so far things have been GREAT!!


Kristin and Jay said...

Wow, Madi looks so grown up and look at that little cowboy....so CUTE!! K so I obviously don't have a school aged child, but I dropped Ashlynn off at my friends house (first time ever leaving her with anyone other than my parents on our cruise) just to go to the dentist and I almost started crying, I had to leave fast before I broke down. WHAT?!!! I was dying that I had that reaction. I am not looking forward to Kindergarten....I am going to be a mess!

Jana said...

What cute kids! They look very happy to be going to school. Yes, I had a hard time as well. I'm glad Alyvia loved it, or I would've really had a hard time.

{Alynn} said...

I've heard some moms say that they can't wait for school to start, but I'm not one of them! It's so hard to drop off my kids and drive away... Elizabeth's in second grade and it's still hard (for me, not her)! My hubby gives me so much grief about it! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Your kids are so cute!

heidi said...

Cute little models! I always loved getting new school clothes and trying them all on before school. I didn't know you taught piano. You guys stay busy!

Nalder family said...

They look so cute!! I am glad that they are liking school, that always helps. Kasha asked me if you had put the sand dunes pics on. :) Hope they turned out cute.

palmerfamily said...

Megan, I am still trying to adjust to my kids going to school-i don't like it either! I didn't know you teach piano, where do you find the time?