Friday, September 26, 2008


Our beautiful baby girl is growing soooooo fast. She will be 8 months in two weeks. SO CRAZY!!
She finaly started rolling about a month ago. She will roll from her back to her tummy and then back to her back, but only on her left side. She is silly!! And then a couple of weeks ago she started sitting. She does really well.
She has been so much fun!! It's sad how fast they grow, but we love her sooooo much!!


Caralee said...

Soooo cute. She is just amazingly beautiful. It's so fun that she is sitting and rolling. Before you know it she'll be running and tearing up the house! How fun!

Nalder family said...

Wow I can't believe she is almost 8 months!! Seems like just the other day you had her!! Such a cutie!!

heidi said...

Cute baby, cute blog! Time does go by way too fast. Sometimes I wish I had my newborn back, but then it is fun to see all the new things they can do.